Extended Data Fig. 2: IstB workflow and image processing. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: IstB workflow and image processing.

From: Molecular basis for transposase activation by a dedicated AAA+ ATPase

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Representative cryo-EM micrograph of the IstB•ATP•target-DNA complex. Scale bar (white, bottom left) represents 100 nm. The micrograph shown is an example image from a full dataset consisting of 6,214 micrographs. b, Image processing workflow. c, Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) of the final cryo-EM map. d, Angular distribution indicating the range of observed particle orientations. e, Local resolution of the sharpened EM density. f, Comparison of the unsharpened map at 2 different thresholds (0.0457 and 0.0207 in gold and grey, respectively), showing the flexible nature of the IstB terminal dimers. g, Processing workflow showing the masks used for density subtraction (yellow) and focused 3D classification (violet). h, Comparison of the N-terminal domain before (blue) and after (transparent density) symmetry expansion and focused 3D classification. Both maps displayed at a threshold of 0.0226.

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