Extended Data Fig. 2: Characterization of IL-23R+ immune cells in the intestine. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Characterization of IL-23R+ immune cells in the intestine.

From: CTLA-4-expressing ILC3s restrain interleukin-23-mediated inflammation

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Flow cytometry plots with donut plot of final frequencies of different IL-23R+ immune cells in small intestine lamina propria of IL-23R-eGFP mice (n = 4 mice). Lineage 1, CD11b, CD11c, B220, CD3ε, CD5, CD8α, NK1.1 and TCRγδ. b, Flow cytometry plots showing eGFP expression (IL-23R) in different immune cells in small intestine lamina propria of IL-23R-eGFP mice (n = 4 mice). c, Donut plots of final frequencies of different IL-23R+ immune cells in large intestine lamina propria of naïve and C. rodentium infected IL-23R-eGFP mice at day 14 post infection (n = 4 mice). Data in a and c are representative of two or three independent experiments with similar results.

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