Extended Data Fig. 8: Innate immune responses are intact in mice lacking ILC3-specific CTLA-4. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Innate immune responses are intact in mice lacking ILC3-specific CTLA-4.

From: CTLA-4-expressing ILC3s restrain interleukin-23-mediated inflammation

Extended Data Fig. 8

Ncr1wt/wt and Ncr1cre/wt mice were orally infected with C. rodentium and at day 14 post infection large intestinal lamina propria immune cells were analyzed. a, Flow cytometry plots with graph of Tregs frequency (percentage of CD4+ T cells) and graph displaying the frequency of (b) TH17 cells (percentage of CD4+ T cells) and (c) neutrophils gated as CD11b+Ly6G+ cells (percentage of CD45+ cells) with (d) colon length. e, Flow cytometry plots and graph of CTLA-4+ ILC3s frequency (percentage of total ILC3s) in Rag1−/− Ctla4f/f and Rag1−/− RORγtcre Ctla4f/f mice. Rag1−/− Ctla4f/f and Rag1−/− RORγtcre Ctla4f/f mice were treated with 100 µg of anti-CD40 antibody, and graph displaying the frequency of (f) ILC3s (percentage of Lin CD90+ CD127+); (g) IL-22+ ILC3s (percentage of total ILC3s) and (h) neutrophils gated as CD11b+Ly6G+ cells (percentage of CD45+ cells) in the large intestines with (i) colon length at day 7 post treatment. Data in a-i are representative of two independent experiments with similar results (n = 4 mice) and shown as Mean ± s.d. The statistics in a-i were determined by Mann–Whitney U-test (unpaired, two-tailed).

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