Extended Data Fig. 3: Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of concatenated bacterial marker genes, highlighting genomic features of the Hyphomicrobiaceae family. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of concatenated bacterial marker genes, highlighting genomic features of the Hyphomicrobiaceae family.

From: Rhizobia–diatom symbiosis fixes missing nitrogen in the ocean

Extended Data Fig. 3

Columns from left to right represent genome size (Mb), GC content (%), presence and phylogeny of nifH genes (yellow, gammaproteobacteria; blue, alphaproteobacteria), and presence (green) of ammonium transporter genes (amt). The numbers on the right indicate the nif-containing members of the Hyphomicrobiaceae from Extended Data Fig. 2. ‘Ca. T. diatomicola’ and ‘Ca. T. profundi’ are highlighted in pink. Only genomes with >80% completion are shown. Black dots indicate >95% bootstrap support. Scale bar indicates amino acid substitutions per site.

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