Extended Data Fig. 8: Genome comparison of ‘Candidatus T. diatomicola’ and ‘Candidatus T. profundi’. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Genome comparison of ‘Candidatus T. diatomicola’ and ‘Candidatus T. profundi’.

From: Rhizobia–diatom symbiosis fixes missing nitrogen in the ocean

Extended Data Fig. 8

a, Whole-genome alignment of ‘Ca. T. diatomicola’ (top) and ‘Ca. T. profundi’ (bottom). Coloured boxes represent colinear regions present in both genomes. Grey vertical lines indicate contig boundaries. Numbers represent genomic positions in kilobase. b, Distribution of genes among the COG functional gene categories for the genomes of ‘Ca. T. diatomicola’, ‘Ca. T. profundi’ and their two closest relatives (GCA_905480435 and GCA_002689605).

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