Extended Data Fig. 8: Comparison of the CO2 effect size (%) and the associated confidence intervals for major plant phosphorus (P) flux variables, calculated by the original approach as reported in the main text (Original) and a bootstrapping method (Bootstrap, Supplementary Information 2.2). | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Comparison of the CO2 effect size (%) and the associated confidence intervals for major plant phosphorus (P) flux variables, calculated by the original approach as reported in the main text (Original) and a bootstrapping method (Bootstrap, Supplementary Information 2.2).

From: Microbial competition for phosphorus limits the CO2 response of a mature forest

Extended Data Fig. 8

(a) The CO2 effect on major plant and soil P fluxes, namely the CO2 effect on plant P demand, plant P resorption, plant P uptake and net soil P mineralization (Pmin) fluxes in the 0–10 cm, 10–30 cm and 30–60 cm depths, respectively; (b) The CO2 effect of canopy P, wood P, fine root P, coarse root P and understorey P fluxes; (c) The CO2 effect of leaf litter P fluxes for leaves, twigs, bark, seeds, understorey, fine root and frass; (d) the CO2 effect on retranslocation P fluxes for canopy, sapwood and understorey components. Values indicate the mean absolute CO2 effect, calculated by using elevated minus ambient CO2 treatment (n = 3), with the coloured bars indicating confidence intervals at 95%, 85% and 75% (two-tailed t-test, with lighter colours indicating higher confidence levels). Retrans stands for retranslocation flux; net Pmin indicates net P mineralization flux.

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