Extended Data Fig. 9: Lesion induced mutation patterns at DNA:protein interaction sites. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 9: Lesion induced mutation patterns at DNA:protein interaction sites.

From: Strand-resolved mutagenicity of DNA damage and repair

Extended Data Fig. 9

a, Excess mutations resulting from A lesions in accessible DNA (relative to the genome-wide trinucleotide mutation rate) centred on the nucleosome dyad. DNA accessibility as measured by ATAC-seq (purple; higher values mean more accessible chromatin). Excess mutations are shown with shaded 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. b-d, Relative mutation rates as a, for apparent T lesions (b), C lesions (c), and G lesions (d); in each case, except A → N mutations, the mutation rate is lower in accessible DNA and higher in less-accessible DNA. e, Mutation rates and multiallelic rates for sequence categories (Methods) within, and adjacent to, CTCF binding sites, stratified by the identity of the inferred lesion containing nucleotide. Point estimate (circles) and bootstrap 95% confidence intervals (whiskers) are shown for the rate difference relative to genome-wide expectation (y = 0, mutations Mb−1 for mutation rates, relative difference metric for multiallelic variation). All rates are adjusted for trinucleotide composition. Instances where the motif_lo category has too few observed or expected mutations to calculate estimates (x-axis label grey) have no data point. Where the observed level of multiallelic variation is zero (asterisk) bootstrap confidence intervals cannot be calculated. f, Mutation rates and multiallelic variation for P15 liver expressed transcription factors; plots as in (e).

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