Extended Data Fig. 2: Accuracy across training. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Accuracy across training.

From: Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3

Extended Data Fig. 2

Training curves for initial training and fine tuning showing LDDT (local distance difference test) on our evaluation set as a function of optimizer steps. One optimizer step uses a mini batch of 256 trunk samples and during initial training 256 * 48 = 12,288 diffusion samples. For fine tuning the number of diffusion samples is reduced to 256 * 32 = 8,192. The scatter plot shows the raw data points and the lines show the smoothed performance using a median filter with a kernel width of 9 data points. The dashed lines mark the points where the smoothed performance passes 90% and 97% of the initial training maximum for the first time.

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