Extended Data Fig. 4: O-p orbital resolved band structure and EELS spectra from DFT + U calculations. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: O-p orbital resolved band structure and EELS spectra from DFT + U calculations.

From: Visualization of oxygen vacancies and self-doped ligand holes in La3Ni2O7−δ

Extended Data Fig. 4

a-b, DFT + U calculated band structure for La3Ni2O7, including the contributions from different O-p orbitals, for U = 0 (a) and U = 3.5 eV (b) respectively. Different colors represent the contributions from inequivalent oxygen sites within each unit cell. c, Calculated O-p projected DOS for different O sites and different values of U. The inclusion of U shifts the filled bands further below the Fermi energy (highlighted with black dashed arrows), while leaving the empty bands nearly unchanged. d, Calculated O-K edge absorption spectra for different O sites and different values of U, which is Gaussian blurred according to the experimental energy resolution ΔE = 0.6 eV. The spectra are insensitive to U, since the empty bands above Fermi energy is barely modified. For the inner apical O, the prepeak originates mostly from O-pz states in the upper antibonding γa band. For the outer apical O, while the low-energy unoccupied states are also dominated by the pz orbital, its weight is much smaller than the inner apical one. For the planar O, the prepeak is governed by the O-px,y states from the α and β bands mainly of dx2-y2 character.

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