Extended Data Fig. 6: Energy filtering of 4D-STEM dataset on a clean sample surface with a thickness of ~ 20 nm. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Energy filtering of 4D-STEM dataset on a clean sample surface with a thickness of ~ 20 nm.

From: Visualization of oxygen vacancies and self-doped ligand holes in La3Ni2O7−δ

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Low energy-loss EELS on the examined sample region. The inelastic scattering mainly stems from plasmonic scattering, which constitutes ~20% of the total scattered signal in this case. b-c, One of the diffraction patterns from our 4D-STEM datasets that is filtered (b) or unfiltered (c), respectively. The filtered dataset is less blurred than the unfiltered one. Scale bars, 10 nm−1. d-e, MEP reconstruction results employing the filtered 4D-STEM data (d) and the unfiltered 4D-STEM data (e). The oxygen atoms in the filtered image are sharper compared to the unfiltered ones, which enables a better quantification for oxygen contents. Scale bars, 4 Å.

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