Extended Data Fig. 4: Containers used for the preparation of macroscopic scale ATPS-supported membranes. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Containers used for the preparation of macroscopic scale ATPS-supported membranes.

From: Large-area, self-healing block copolymer membranes for energy conversion

Extended Data Fig. 4

a) Schematic illustrating how elongated cells with slanted floor make it possible to control membrane area by varying the position of the ATPS interface. b) ATPS-supported membrane formed by BCP1 and BCP2 using an elongated cell with slanted floor. The displaced toluene solution is floating on top of the PEO phase while a membrane is formed at the PEO/DEX interface. c) 3D rendering of the spiral set-up with slanted floor that allowed to form BCP membranes of up to 8 cm2 surface area. d) 3D rendering of the set-up with internal supporting pillars and slanted floor used to form membranes with 10 cm2 surface-area.

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