Extended Data Fig. 1: Small-area BCP membranes obtained with the planar bilayer folding method. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: Small-area BCP membranes obtained with the planar bilayer folding method.

From: Large-area, self-healing block copolymer membranes for energy conversion

Extended Data Fig. 1

a) Bilayer thickness (d) versus area (A) and b) Specific resistance (Rsp) versus area (A) for membranes formed using either BCP1, BCP2 or a 50/50 wt% mix of both. Membranes were formed using Teflon films with holes of 100, 200, 300 and 500 μm diameters as support; The light blue area in b) indicates the reference range for typical lipid membranes38,46 formed in comparable setups.

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