Extended Data Fig. 6: Structural changes observed after addition of the 5’ss oligo alone or the 5’ss oligo plus ATPγS. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Structural changes observed after addition of the 5’ss oligo alone or the 5’ss oligo plus ATPγS.

From: Structural insights into the cross-exon to cross-intron spliceosome switch

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Fit of a single 5’ss oligo to the pre-B5’ss EM density. b, The movement of the PRP8RT/En domain toward the PRP8NTD upon addition of the 5’ss oligo leads to concomitant movements of other tri-snRNP components that interact with PRP8RT/En. Comparison of the molecular architecture of BRR2, PRP8, SAD1 and the U4 Sm core domain in pre-B (left) and pre-B5’ss complexes (middle). Right, overlay of the corresponding surface representations in pre-B (grey) versus pre-B5’ss (various colors), with arrows indicating the concomitant movements of the indicated domains with PRP8RT/En. These movements do not involve any major structural changes such as translocation of BRR2 to its activation position. c,d, Comparison of the molecular architecture of PRP4 kinase, SF3B3, PRP6HAT, SNU66 and the U4 Sm core domain in pre-B (panel c, left) and pre-B5’ss complexes (panel d, left). The boxed regions are expanded and rotated 90° in the corresponding panels shown at the right. Aligned via the PRP8RT/En domain. In pre-B5’ss, PRP4K and SF3B3WD40B are located further apart, and PRP4K is more closely associated with PRP6HAT. Moreover, the U4 Sm core has moved away from PRP8RH in pre-B5’ss (as indicated by the arrow in panel c). e, Overlay of pre-B and pre-B5’ss showing differences in the position of PRP4K. f, In pre-B5’ss, BRR2PWI is detached from SAD1. A comparison of the molecular architecture of SAD1, BRR2CC and BRR2PWI in pre-B (panel f, left) and pre-B5’ss complexes (panel f, middle). An overlay of the structures is shown in panel f (right); alignment on PRP8NTD. g, Interactions of the 5’ss-containing RNA oligonucleotide (5’ss oligo) with U5 snRNA loop 1 nucleotides, and residues of PRP8 and DIM1 in pre-B5’ss+ATPγS. h, Fit of the nucleotides and protein side chains shown in panel g into the pre-B5’ss+ATPγS EM density. i, Rearrangements in the NOP and adjacent coiled-coil domains of PRP31 (aa 52-331) and repositioning of the PRP6 HAT domain and its more N-terminal phosphorylated region upon addition of ATP to pre-B5’ss complexes. The coiled/coil (CC) domains of PRP31 rotate by ca 45° relative to the PRP31 NOP domain after addition of ATP. A comparison of the molecular architecture of the indicated proteins/protein domains in pre-B5’ss (left), pre-B5’ss+ATPγS (middle) and B-like complexes (right). Serine and threonine residues of PRP6 that could be modelled previously18,19 and that were previously shown to be phosphorylated by PRP4K26 are indicated by green stars. The region of PRP31 that is known to be phosphorylated could not be modelled. j, ATP addition to pre-B5’ss leads to the ca 180° rotation of PRP8RH, which is coordinated with the repositioning of BRR2/PRP8Jab1, PRP6 and SNU66, among others. The β-hairpin loop of PRP8RH is indicated in yellow and by an arrowhead. The SNU66 domain comprised of aa 252-358 is structured first in pre-B5’ss+ATPγS where it is docked to the β-hairpin loop region of the repositioned PRP8RH domain (compare left and middle panels). The C-terminal SNU66630-774 domain, which binds across SNRP27K and the U4 Sm core in pre-B5’ss, is also repositioned in pre-B5’ss+ATPγS.

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