Extended Data Fig. 5: Full conductance spectra at the sweet spot upon detuning VQDL and VQDR. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Full conductance spectra at the sweet spot upon detuning VQDL and VQDR.

From: A two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas

Extended Data Fig. 5

A comparison between numerically calculated conductance and measured conductance in support of Fig. 3, measured at B = 225 mT. Presented results show the evolution of Gl and Gnl for four different cases: (a–b) detuning VQDL, (c–d) detuning VQDR, (e–f) detuning both VQDL and VQDR simultaneously along a diagonal path and (g–h) detuning both anti-diagonally. For each case, we find the behavior of both Gl and Gnl is well described by the numerical results.

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