Extended Data Fig. 1: Characterization of QDs and ABS spectroscopy for device A. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: Characterization of QDs and ABS spectroscopy for device A.

From: A two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas

Extended Data Fig. 1

a–b, Coulomb diamond measurements of the left and right QDs, in the regime used for measurements presented in Fig. 4. Charging energies are estimated to be 1.1 meV in each QD. The lever arm of the left and right dot is estimated to be α ≈ 0.11. c–d, Zoomed in views of figures (a) and (b) in a smaller energy range. Due to a large tunnel coupling between the QDs and the hybrid section, YSR-states form in the sub-gap spectrum of the QDs. Tunneling spectroscopy around the charge degeneracy points in (a-b) reveal clear sup-gap features within the Coulomb diamonds.As VQDL and VQDR are tuned, the sub-gap features form an eye-shape feature enclosing the doublet charge occupation. This behavior is typical for YSR-states with large charging energies28. e, Crossed Andreev reflection and elastic co-tunneling require the presence of extended ABSs. Local Gl and non-local conductance Gnl of the hybrid region are measured via tunnelling spectroscopy and their identical energy dependence as a function of VABS highlights that ABSs extend across the entire hybrid section. Comparable behavior was observed in a wide VABS range from 0 to − 1 V. The measurement presented in Fig. 1 is taken at the VABS with the eye-shaped crossing. f, ABS spectroscopy as a function external magnetic field at VABS = −623 mV. The effect of splitting of the doublet state can be observed at low fields. A g-factor of 5.5 is extracted by linear fitting of the lowest sub-gap states (dashed line) in Extended Data Fig. 1d.

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