Extended Data Fig. 10: Extended datasets supporting Fig. 4h. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 10: Extended datasets supporting Fig. 4h.

From: A two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas

Extended Data Fig. 10

Reproduction of the main results from Fig. 4, using the orbitals shown in Fig. 3. Data was obtained at 6 different field values B between 0 and 250 mT. At each field VABS is adjusted to tune to the sweet spot. a, Extraction of \({E}_{\det }\) and Egap, similar to the analysis presented in Fig. 4l. From a linear for of \({E}_{\det }\) a g-factor of 5.7 is estimated. b, Numerically obtained \({E}_{\det }\) and Egap, using parameters tuned to compare to (a). At 250 mT, an estimate of M ≈ 0.9 is obtained. Extrapolation for comparison to Fig. 4l yields M ≈ 0.92 at 300 mT. c,d, Waterfall plots highlighting the line-traces used to extract the data in (a). e–j, Raw datasets of CSDs and tunnelling spectroscopy measurements, from which (a-d) is extracted. Datasets at 150 mT and 225 mT datasets are repeated from Fig. 3 and Extended Data Fig. 5 respectively.

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