Extended Data Fig. 8: Numerical analysis of Egap and Edet. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Numerical analysis of Egap and Edet.

From: A two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas

Extended Data Fig. 8

Numerical calculations supporting the results presented in Fig. 4. Through the procedure detailed in Methods, Majorana sweet spots are obtained and analysed for fields between 0 mT and 300 mT. a, Field evolution of GRR line-traces at each sweet spot, showing the excitations above the ZBPs gradually increasing in energy and then saturating at ± 30 μeV. b, Field evolution of GRR line-traces when QDR detuned by 3Δind, showing the excited states increase linearly in energy. From calculations in (a) and (b), Egap and \({E}_{\det }\) are obtained, given by the energy between the lowest even-parity state and second-lowest odd-parity state. c, Extraction of Egap (solid) and the Majorana polarization (dashed), for different values of the tunneling parameter t. In each case tso = 0.4t. Larger tunnel coupling results in larger hybridization between ABSs, in turn lowering the MP at a specific magnetic field. d, Extraction of \({E}_{\det }\) for various values of detuning μR. In each case the slope at low fields corresponds to 2Ez (dashed grey line). The larger the detuning of μR, the longer this holds. The dashed black line shows the energy of the ABS EABS. At large detuning \({E}_{\det }\) will increase linearly with 2Ez, until becoming of comparable EABS becomes the lowest energy scale.

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