Extended Data Fig. 7: Energy diagrams detailing non-local transport. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Energy diagrams detailing non-local transport.

From: A two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas

Extended Data Fig. 7

In CSDs presented in Fig. 3, a clear sign change is observed when changing from the ΓO > ΓE regime to the ΓO < ΓE regime. This can be understood by considering the possible transport cycles that underlie the measured non-local conductance. a, When ΓO > ΓE, Gnl is observed to be negative in the measured CSDs (see Fig. 3c). c, When ΓO < ΓE, the same measurements yield a positive Gnl (see Fig. 3a). Horizontal and vertical dashed lines indicate μR = 0 and μL = 0 respectively. The state of the uncoupled system is labelled in each quadrant. b,d, In such CSD measurements, zero-bias transport can take place when the odd and even ground states are degenerate. For non-local transport to occur, the system can accept a hole/electron from one lead, and relax non-locally to its original state by either (b) donating a hole/electron to the opposite lead, giving rise to negative Gnl, or (d) accept a hole/electron from the opposite lead, giving rise to positive Gnl. The preferred path is dictated by the quadrant in μL, μR space where the odd-even degeneracy occurs. e, When μL, μR > 0 or μL, μR < 0, the former path is expected to dominate and the resulting Gnl will be negative. f, When μL > 0 and μR < 0 or vice versa, the latter path is expected to dominate and resulting Gnl will be positive.

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