Extended Data Fig. 7: Bulk hypothalamic RNA sequencing data. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Bulk hypothalamic RNA sequencing data.

From: GLP-1-directed NMDA receptor antagonism for obesity treatment

Extended Data Fig. 7

a-g, Supplementary analyses of RNA sequencing data shown in Fig. 3a–g, j, k. a, Top 5 most enriched functional terms for the 1417 differentially expressed genes that were downregulated following GLP-1–MK-801 treatment. b, Top 5 enriched functional terms for the 1501 differentially expressed genes that were upregulated following GLP-1–MK-801 treatment. c, Top four cellular component and top nine biological process functional terms identified using gene set enrichment (GSEA) analysis. d, Venn diagram showing the overlap between the SynGO database and the 2918 uniquely differentially expressed genes in response to treatment with GLP-1–MK-801. e, Sunburst plot of differentially expressed genes belonging to cellular component functional terms computed with SynGO. Enrichment is colour coded by Q value for the functional terms. All level terms identified have been labelled. f, Sunburst plot of differentially expressed genes belonging to biological process functional terms computed with SynGO. Enrichment is colour coded by Q value for the functional terms. All level terms identified have been labelled. g, Top seven enriched functional terms for cellular component and top 7 functional terms enriched for biological process identified by SynGO. Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted P values were used for all analyses (ag). The diagram in d was created using BioRender.

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