Extended Data Fig. 8: Overview of the survey in time and distance along the canyon. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Overview of the survey in time and distance along the canyon.

From: Observations of diapycnal upwelling within a sloping submarine canyon

Extended Data Fig. 8

(a) Map of the canyon with bathymetry contoured in grey. Horizontal lines mark the distance along the canyon in kilometres. Coloured lines correspond to the ship’s location for each transect. MP1 location is marked by the red cross and the location of the dye release is marked by the pink star. Arrow indicates the direction of north. (b) Distance along the canyon of each transect over time is shown with coloured lines, which correspond to those in panel (a) and letter labels correspond to panels in Extended Data Fig. 5. Thin grey lines show the approximate location of the FCTD at that time based on measured bottom depth. The pink line shows integrated velocity from the MP1 mooring, with a starting position at the dye release location (pink star) as an estimate of the along-canyon position of the dye patch.

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