Extended Data Fig. 7: Correspondence between Tyr kinase motif-based predictions and their literature-annotated substrates. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Correspondence between Tyr kinase motif-based predictions and their literature-annotated substrates.

From: The intrinsic substrate specificity of the human tyrosine kinome

Extended Data Fig. 7

a,b, Schema and phosphorylation site motif logos for ABL derived from PSPA experiments (a) and literature-annotated cellular substrates2 (b). c, Percentile-score distributions of substrates for their literature-annotated kinases2. Higher number of reports correlates with more favourable percentile-scores between the reported kinase and its substrate (AUCDF = area under the cumulative distribution function). The diagrams in a and b were created using BioRender.

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