Extended Data Fig. 6: Steric accommodation of a +1 pTyr residue by EGFR. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Steric accommodation of a +1 pTyr residue by EGFR.

From: The intrinsic substrate specificity of the human tyrosine kinome

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Structural modelling of EGFR’s recognition of +1 pTyr (PDB: 5CZH). Side chains of Ala920 on EGFR and +1 pTyr on the peptide substrate as shown in spacefill representation. Sidechain of Tyr phosphoacceptor is shown in ball-and-stick representation. b, Top, log-selectivity of the 78 conventional kinases for +1 pTyr, arranged in order of decreasing favorability. Bottom, corresponding amino acid residues that align with Ala920 of EGFR (bin size: 8 kinases in the left 8 bins; 7 kinases in the right two bins)68. c, Experimental validation of the importance of Ala920 in facilitating phosphorylation of +1 pTyr substrate by EGFR.

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