Extended Data Fig. 10: Replication of single-molecule-like signals by pulsing the length of the microcavity. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 10: Replication of single-molecule-like signals by pulsing the length of the microcavity.

From: Label-free detection and profiling of individual solution-phase molecules

Extended Data Fig. 10

a, Transmitted intensity of locked cavity showing perturbations to the lock when voltage pulses are applied to the piezos at a frequency of 1 Hz. b, The applied pulse, input power and cavity-locking parameters can be optimized to mimic signals induced by diffusing molecules. ad, The step-up voltage (grey) produced a steep reduction of the locked transmission signal as a result of the photothermal effect (a). This was followed by a brief recovery to the locked state by the PI feedback loop (b), followed by a second descent of the transmission signal as the step-up voltage of the pulse shifts the cavity in the opposite direction (c). Finally, the PI control recovers the locked state (d). Data collected with cavity four.

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