Extended Data Fig. 7: Mini-colons display intra- and inter-tumour diversity. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Mini-colons display intra- and inter-tumour diversity.

From: Spatiotemporally resolved colorectal oncogenesis in mini-colons ex vivo

Extended Data Fig. 7

a, Expression distribution of proliferation (Mki67), stemness (Cd44), and differentiation (Krt20) markers within a single clonal tumour population. b, Heatmap of the genes showing the strongest (P < 10−5) differential expression across mini-colon tumours. The tumour clonal population is indicated on top. c, Expression of the indicated genes in the indicated tumour clones. ***P = 2.74·10−14 (Slpi, clone #1), 4.06·10−50 (Prdm16, clone #14), 1.05·10−13 (Aqp5, clone #25) (two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test; n = 540 cells). Each point represents one cell. d, Immunofluorescence images showing the expression of Il1a (left, green), Cdkn2a (right, red), and the presence of nuclei (cyan) in tumour-bearing and control mini-colons. White and grey arrowheads indicate positive and negative tumours, respectively, in terms of marker expression. Scale bar, 100 μm.

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