Extended Data Fig. 1: Data processing schematic. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: Data processing schematic.

From: Refining the impact of genetic evidence on clinical success

Extended Data Fig. 1

A) Dataset size, filters, and join process for Pharmaprojects and human genetic evidence. Note that a drug can be assigned multiple targets, and can be approved for multiple indications. The entire analysis described herein has also been run restricted to only those drugs with exactly one target annotated (Figs. S1S11). B) Illustration of the definition of genetic support. A table of drug development programs with one row per target-indication pair (left) is joined to a table of human genetic associations based on the identity of the gene encoding the drug target and the similarity between the drug indication MeSH term and the genetically associated trait MeSH term being ≥ 0.8. Drug program rows with a joined row in the genetic associations table are considered to have genetic support.

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