Extended Data Fig. 5: Late neurogenesis of lamprey sympathoblasts. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Late neurogenesis of lamprey sympathoblasts.

From: Neural crest origin of sympathetic neurons at the dawn of vertebrates

Extended Data Fig. 5

(a-i) Immunohistochemical detection of TH (teal) and Neurofilament-M (Nf-M, red) at T30 (a-c), 2.5 month ammocete (d-f), and 4 month ammocete (g-i) stages. Co-expression of TH and Nf-M is not observed in late embryonic or earlier ammocete stages. Consistent co-labeling is observed by four months of age. n = 12 embryos, 12 ammocetes of each stage per marker across four independent replicates (j-o) Co-expression of TH with additional neuronal markers is observed in four month old ammocetes. HuC/D (j-l) and SCG10 (m-o) are shown. DAPI is shown in white. Scale bars = 50 μm. n = 9 ammocetes of each stage per marker across three independent replicates.

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