Extended Data Fig. 9: Flexible wing root facilitates elastic storage during wingbeat and allows wing to passively respond to changes in lift and drag throughout stroke. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 9: Flexible wing root facilitates elastic storage during wingbeat and allows wing to passively respond to changes in lift and drag throughout stroke.

From: Machine learning reveals the control mechanics of an insect wing hinge

Extended Data Fig. 9

a, Top view of ventral stroke reversal in free flight. Red circles mark the estimated position of the wing hinge, dotted lines indicate the expected position of the wing if a chord-wise flexure line was not present. Images are reproduced from previously publish data32 from Drosophila hydei. b, Composite confocal image of the wing base on Drosophila melanogaster, indicating a bright blue band of auto-fluorescence consistent with the presence of resilin and existence of a chord-wise flexure line (dashed arrows). The image shown is characteristic of the 4 wings (from 4 individual female flies) that we processed for confocal microscopy.

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