Extended Data Fig. 1: Estimated faunal biomass derived from mammal encounter rates. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: Estimated faunal biomass derived from mammal encounter rates.

From: FSC-certified forest management benefits large mammals compared to non-FSC

Extended Data Fig. 1

(a) Estimated faunal biomass was higher (p = 0.016) in FSC-certified (n = 7) than in non-FSC concessions (n = 7). Numbers represent paired FSC-certified and non-FSC concessions linked by grey lines. Data is represented as a boxplot, where central lines represent medians and lower and upper lines correspond to the first and third quartiles, whiskers reflect 1.5 times the interquartile range. Two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank, *: p < 0.05. Panels (b–e) represent the contributions of different body mass classes to the estimated faunal biomass derived from mammal encounter rates in FSC-certified (n = 7) and non-FSC concessions (n = 7). (b) in kg / camera-trap day; (c) as a proportion of total faunal biomass; (d) in kg /day for species up to 100 kg; (e) as a proportion of the total faunal biomass for species up to 100 kg. FSC-certified concessions had higher overall biomass whereby mammals weighing more than 10 kg made up a larger proportion of the total biomass than in non-FSC concessions.

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