Extended Data Fig. 3: Structural features of TAS2R14 coupled with Gi1 and Ggust. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Structural features of TAS2R14 coupled with Gi1 and Ggust.

From: Bitter taste receptor activation by cholesterol and an intracellular tastant

Extended Data Fig. 3

a-j, Representative atomic model-fitted EM map for the structure of TAS2R14–Gi1–scFv16 (a-e), and TAS2R14–Ggust–scFv16 (f-j), respectively. Cholesterol and cmpd28.1 which are shown as model-fitted EM maps were observed in the orthosteric pocket and allosteric site, respectively (b,g). Cmpd28.1 in the allosteric site interacts with Hα5 of Gαi1 (c) and Gαgust (h). No interactions were observed between ICL1 and Gβ1 in both complexes (d,i). e, W124 of ICL2 forms a hydrogen bond with R32 of αN of Gα in TAS2R14–Gi1–scFv16. The distances between R125 of ICL2 and E28 of αN of Gα in TAS2R14–Ggust–scFv16 is 9 Å indicated by a red arrow. j, E28 of αN of Gαgust forms a hydrogen bond and an ionic interaction with W124 and R125 of ICL2, respectively. k, Two orthogonal views aligned onto the receptors between TAS2R14–Ggust–scFv16 and TAS2R14–Gi1–scFv16. Black dashed lines indicate two HαN helices distant by 8.5 Å. Models are presented as cylinders for clarity. l-n, Structural comparison of TAS2R14–Ggust with reported structure TAS2R46-miniGs/gust (PDB 7XP6). This comparison highlights TMs 4, 5, and 7 (l), as well as 6 (m). n, Conserved residue W3.32 (red circle) of TAS2R14 in the orthosteric pocket is located in the same position as TAS2R46. Cholesterol and strychnine are shown as yellow and purple sticks, respectively. o-r, Structural comparison between TAS2R14–Gi1 and class A GPCR β2AR–Gs (PDB 3SN6) to highlight the conserved motifs in class A GPCRs which are CWxP (o), PIF (p), DRY (q), and NPxxY (r) motif. A large movement of TMs of TAS2R14–Gi1 is shown in the black arrows. A yellow dashed line indicates an interaction between H2767.49 of TAS2R14–Gi1 and cmpd28.1 (r). s,t Interactions formed between the residues N241.50 and S2777.50 (s) as well as W983.41 and P1905.50 (t).

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