Extended Data Fig. 7: Conductance at CNP under in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic fields. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Conductance at CNP under in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic fields.

From: Dual quantum spin Hall insulator by density-tuned correlations in TaIrTe4

Extended Data Fig. 7

When a magnetic field is applied, a Zeeman gap is induced at the Dirac point of the edge states, influencing the edge conductance, which can be described by a thermal activation behaviour: \(G={G}_{0}{e}^{-g{\mu }_{{\rm{B}}}| B| /2{k}_{{\rm{B}}}T}\). Here, G0 is the conductance at B = 0, g is the effective g-factor, μB is the Bohr magneton, and kB is the Boltzmann constant. a,b, Raw data G versus B for both in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic fields. c,d, Corresponding \({\rm{ln}}(G/{G}_{0})\) versus μBB/kBT, from the slope of which the g-factor can be directly extracted. The data was collected at T = 1.7 K.

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