Extended Data Fig. 2: Morphology and elemental characterization of various TMT nanosheets using a long lithium intercalation time when the molar ratio of LiBH4 to MTe2 is equal to 1. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Morphology and elemental characterization of various TMT nanosheets using a long lithium intercalation time when the molar ratio of LiBH4 to MTe2 is equal to 1.

From: Metal telluride nanosheets by scalable solid lithiation and exfoliation

Extended Data Fig. 2

aa4, MoTe2 nanosheets after lithium intercalation for 24 h. a, HAADF-STEM image. EDS elemental maps of Mo (a1), Te (a2) and mixed Mo and Te (a3). a4, Table of the elemental content of the marked area in a3. bb4, WTe2 nanosheets after lithium intercalation for 6 h. b, HAADF-STEM image. EDS elemental maps of W (b1), Te (b2) and mixed W and Te (b3). b4, Table of the elemental content of the marked area in b3. cc4, NbTe2 nanosheets after lithium intercalation for 24 h. c, HAADF-STEM image. EDS elemental maps of Nb (c1), Te (c2) and mixed Nb and Te (c3). c4, Table of the elemental content of the marked area in c3. dd4, TaTe2 nanosheets after lithium intercalation for 6 h. d, HAADF-STEM image. EDS elemental maps of Ta (d1), Te (d2) and mixed Ta and Te (d3). d4, Table of the elemental content of the marked area in d3. ee4, TiTe2 nanosheets after lithium intercalation for 6 h. e, HAADF-STEM image, EDS elemental maps of Ti (e1), Te (e2) and mixed Ti and Te (e3). e4, Table of the elemental content of the marked area in e3. The HAADF-STEM EDS elemental maps show that the morphology of the decomposition products is a nanobelt and that Te is present in all samples after a long lithium intercalation time.

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