Extended Data Fig. 1: Illustration of the hydrolysis process of lithiated NbTe2 bulk powder into a nanosheet colloid solution. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 1: Illustration of the hydrolysis process of lithiated NbTe2 bulk powder into a nanosheet colloid solution.

From: Metal telluride nanosheets by scalable solid lithiation and exfoliation

Extended Data Fig. 1

ag, Photographs of the exfoliation process of Li1NbTe2 by adding distille water to the glass bottles at different times. Li1NbTe2 is hydrolysed into NbTe2 nanosheets by the generation of H2 gas, resulting in a homogenous colloidal dispersion. h, Tyndall effect of a NbTe2 nanosheet colloid solution.

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