Extended Data Fig. 6: Transport properties of a Mo0.5W0.5Te2 nanosheet. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Transport properties of a Mo0.5W0.5Te2 nanosheet.

From: Metal telluride nanosheets by scalable solid lithiation and exfoliation

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Low-temperature transport measurement of a Mo0.5W0.5Te2 thin nanosheet. The temperature dependence of resistance shows metallic behaviour. Upper inset, SEM image of a fabricated device with multiterminal Hall-bar geometry. Lower inset, the Hall measurement shows a carrier density of 9.6 × 1013 cm−2. b, Magnetoresistance, defined as (R(B) − R(B = 0))/R(B = 0), plotted as a function of magnetic field for Mo0.5W0.5Te2 thin films with thicknesses ranging from 10 to 70 nm. It is seen that the positive magnetoresistance is substantially decreased with decreasing thickness.

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