Extended Data Fig. 2: Experimental frequency accuracy. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Experimental frequency accuracy.

From: Optomechanical realization of the bosonic Kitaev chain

Extended Data Fig. 2

(a) Thermomechanical reference spectra. Before each experimental run, a set of thermomechanical spectra is taken, with modulations off, to determine the value of the mechanical resonance frequencies ωj. A typical set is shown. Spectra are averaged over 50 runs and fitted by a Lorentzian function, with uncertainty (standard deviation) in the extracted ωj’s (grey dashed lines) between σω,fit/(2π) = 20 − 24 Hz, estimated from the fit residuals. (b) Frequency stability of the mechanical modes. Resonator frequencies ωj are extracted from thermomechanical resonance spectra, measured repeatedly over a duration of 90s. Error bars denote the ± 2σ fit uncertainty interval estimated from residuals. Over time, fluctuations in ωj are observed with standard deviation σω,fluct/(2π) = 43 − 64 Hz, depending on the mode. Correlated fluctuations across the modes indicate a common origin, that we attribute to fluctuations in the optical spring effect. This is compatible with the observation that mechanical modes with higher index and lower optomechanical couplings g0,j experience smaller frequency fluctuations.

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