Extended Data Fig. 4: Identified MERFISH cardiac cells map to distinct regions and anatomical structures of the human heart. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Identified MERFISH cardiac cells map to distinct regions and anatomical structures of the human heart.

From: Spatially organized cellular communities form the developing human heart

Extended Data Fig. 4

The spatial mapping of each identified MERFISH cell is displayed accordingly: a, cardiomyocyte related cells, b, epicardial, EPDC, and vascular support related cells, c, endothelial related cells, d, neuronal cells, and e, blood related cells. aCM, atrial cardiomyocyte; aFibro, atrial fibroblast; adFibro, adventitial fibroblast; aEndocardial, atrial endocardial; AVC, atrioventricular canal; BEC, blood endothelial cell; EPDC, epicardial-derived cell; IFT, inflow tract; LA, left atrium; LEC, lymphatic endothelial cell; LV, left ventricle; ncCM, non-chambered cardiomyocyte; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle; vCM, ventricular cardiomyocyte; vCM-LV/RV-AV, muscular valve leaflet vCM; vEndocardial, ventricular endocardial; VEC, valve endocardial cell; vFibro, ventricular fibroblast; VIC, valve interstitial cell; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell; WBC, white blood cell. Scale bar, 250 µm.

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