Extended Data Fig. 8: Tuning of DCZ oscillations. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Tuning of DCZ oscillations.

From: High-fidelity spin qubit operation and algorithmic initialization above 1 K

Extended Data Fig. 8

a, DCZ oscillations in (5, 3) as a function of time and VJ at B0 = 0.79 T and T = 1 K. b, DCZ oscillations in (3, 3) as a function of time and VP1 − VP2 at B0 = 0.79 T and T = 1 K showing the symmetric operation point 36,50,80,81. c, d, DCZ oscillations in (3, 3) as a function of time and VJ at B0 = 0.79 T and T = 0.1 K and 1 K. e, T2 of the DCZ oscillations \({T}_{2}^{{\rm{exchange}}}\) as a function of VJ at B0 = 0.79 T, T = 1 K. f, Frequency of the DCZ oscillations fexchange as a function of VJ at B0 = 0.79 T, T = 1 K. g, Quality factor of the DCZ oscillations Qexchange as a function of VJ at B0 = 0.79 T, T = 1 K, indicating that fexchange at higher VJ outpaces \({T}_{2}^{{\rm{exchange}}}\). h, Qexchange as a function of fexchange at B0 = 0.79 T, T = 1 K. Error bars represent the 95 % confidence level.

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