Extended Data Fig. 7: Skyrmion Motion in FL Wires. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Skyrmion Motion in FL Wires.

From: All-electrical skyrmionic magnetic tunnel junction

Extended Data Fig. 7

(a) In situ MFM image of 2 × 10 µm FL wire device (stack and fabrication details in Methods) at µ0H 74 mT. Highlighted box shows region of interest for c-e. (b) Schematic of experimental protocol: current pulses of alternating polarity, J ±(3.5 − 6.5) × 1011 A/m2, were applied sequentially, and the device was imaged before and after each pulse. (c) Top: representative zoom-in MFM images acquired before and after successive current pulses of opposite polarities (J 6.3 × 1011 A/m2). Small circles indicate positions of a few representative skyrmions across images; large, dashed circle identifies a prominent defect used for registration. Bottom: tracked positions of skyrmions across pulses (representative skyrmions highlighted), with arrows indicating extent of motion. (d) Polar plot of skyrmion motion statistics for µ0H 74 mT, compiled for selected J (data for J < 0 rotated by 180), showing a spread of velocities and deflections. (e) Plot of the average skyrmion velocity, vS against J. Error bars represent standard deviation.

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