Extended Data Fig. 6: Bidirectional All-Electrical Switching of SK-MTJ. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Bidirectional All-Electrical Switching of SK-MTJ.

From: All-electrical skyrmionic magnetic tunnel junction

Extended Data Fig. 6

(a) MR(H) loop of WCell 300 nm SK-MTJ (tCo 1.33 nm) used for switching measurements. (b) Bidirectional AP ↔ SK switching at constant H (−32 to −34 mT, green loops), with SK → AP switching (Vp < 0: left), followed by AP → SK switching (Vp > 0: right). Included for comparison: unidirectional AP → SK switching for varying H (−21 to −32 mT: blue curves). Dashed arrows indicate switching direction, solid asterisks represent MR of switched SK state for Vp +4.2 V. (c) MFM images at −20 mT, 0 mT, and +20 mT for major (top) and FORC (Hrev = +30 mT) loops (bottom). (d) Final MR of switched SK state (open-red, filled-orange asterisks from b) for varying H, compared to the major MR(H) loop (red, blue) and expected FORC minor loop (dashed orange line, see Fig. 4). Open-red and filled-orange squares indicate MFM-estimated MR for major and FORC (Hrev = +20 mT) loops, respectively.

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