Extended Data Fig. 9: Setup of LED display using intrinsically stretchable transistors. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 9: Setup of LED display using intrinsically stretchable transistors.

From: High-speed and large-scale intrinsically stretchable integrated circuits

Extended Data Fig. 9

(a) Schematic diagram of the display system. (b) Photography of the display system. Each LED is driven by a transistor, which is switched on and off by its gate voltage VCTL, i (i = 1, 2, …, 35). VCTL for the transistors is supplied by four 12-channel digital-to-analog converters (DACs). To monitor the total current under deformations, a transimpedance amplifier is used to convert the current into a voltage signal, which is further read out by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The system logic and timing are controlled by a microcontroller. MCU represents the microcontroller, and DACs represent the digital-to-analogy converters.

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