Extended Data Fig. 2: Wavelength-sensitive directional photocurrent response. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Wavelength-sensitive directional photocurrent response.

From: Light-driven nanoscale vectorial currents

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Measured (solid lines) and simulated (solid fills) transmittance spectra for the perturbed Kagome lattice, with white light linearly polarized along the three nanoantennas and resonances nominally designed around 775 nm (0°; cyan), 825 nm (120°; orange) and 875 nm (240°; red). Inset, unit cell (scale bar, 250 nm). b, Direction of THz field polarization (and thus net photocurrent) measured (solid circles) and simulated (solid fills) as a function of incident wavelength for circularly polarized incident light. Bottom insets show simulated fields and net current directions for circularly polarized excitation at the three resonant wavelengths. Measured (c) and simulated (d) x (red), y (blue) and total (purple) THz fields as a function of incident linear polarization angle at the three resonance wavelengths, showing preferred alignment along the active resonance axes (dotted white lines).

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