Extended Data Fig. 5: Coupled-resonance-induced transparency and near-field coupling dependence. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Coupled-resonance-induced transparency and near-field coupling dependence.

From: Directive giant upconversion by supercritical bound states in the continuum

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, Spectral coincidence of the EIT transparency frequency at the avoided crossing with the FW quasi-BIC frequency for the angle mismatch <0.6°. b, Near-field coupling constant (real part) normalized to ω = 2πc/λmode-1. c, associated quality-factor Qκ (as defined above) as a function of z (normalized to λmode-1 = 810 nm) along the z axis and parameterized for θ from 2.7° to 3.24°.

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