Extended Data Fig. 9: Classification of images viewed as concentration patterns. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 9: Classification of images viewed as concentration patterns.

From: Pattern recognition in the nucleation kinetics of non-equilibrium self-assembly

Extended Data Fig. 9

36 different concentration patterns, derived from a mapping of 36 grayscale images, were run using a ramp between 48 °C to 45 °C over approximately 150 hours. a, Three pattern examples, with source image, concentration pattern, nucleation model nucleation rate starting from particular tiles, nucleation model nucleation rates, fluorescence results, and AFM images. b, Across all patterns there was some correlation between the on-target nucleation temperature predicted by the nucleation model and on-target shape quenching time. c, Total AFM shape counts for each sample. Information for all patterns is available in the Supplementary Information section 6.

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