Extended Data Fig. 6: Nucleation and growth with ‘flag’ patterns of enhanced concentration. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Nucleation and growth with ‘flag’ patterns of enhanced concentration.

From: Pattern recognition in the nucleation kinetics of non-equilibrium self-assembly

Extended Data Fig. 6

a–c, 37 different concentration patterns with enhanced concentrations of shared tiles in 5 × 5 regions were prepared, each with four different standard sets of fluorophores in four samples, and grown using two temperature protocols (a): a ramp focusing on 48 °C to 46 °C over 100 hours, and a hold at 47 °C. Using growth times as described in Extended Data Fig. 5, fluorescence data for many samples in both experiments showed preference for the desired shapes (b, c), but with considerable variation in selectivity and total amount of growth. d, No statistically significant correlation was found between the nucleation model prediction for temperature of on-target nucleation and the time of on-target shape quenching in the temperature ramp experiment. Although the nucleation model overestimates the nucleation temperature and its nucleation rate estimates may be far off, our interest here is in the qualitative features and difference between the shapes. e–g, Details of three patterns, with concentration patterns (1), weighted critical nucleus free energy starting from particular tiles (2), nucleation-model-estimated nucleation rates (3), temperature hold (4) and temperature ramp (5) experiment fluorescence results, and (6) AFM images from the temperature hold experiments. Information for all individual flag patterns is available in the Supplementary Information section 5.

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