Extended Data Fig. 6: Changes in the fractional area covered by high OHC based on different reanalyses. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Changes in the fractional area covered by high OHC based on different reanalyses.

From: Seasonal advance of intense tropical cyclones in a warming climate

Extended Data Fig. 6

For (up) with the oceanic variables from the ECMWF dataset and (bottom) GODAS dataset. a, b, The climatological value of OHC (solid line) and the linear trend of the fractional area covered by high OHC during the active season during 1981–2017 in the (a) NH, and (b) SH based on the oceanic variables from the ECMWF dataset and the atmospheric variables from the ERA-5 dataset. The error bars indicate the standard deviation. c-d, Same as in ab, respectively, but based on the oceanic variables from the GODAS dataset.

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