Extended Data Fig. 3: Observed and modelled monthly averaged anomalies (a) and mixing ratios (b) for HOCl (from ACE) for 30–50° S at 68 hPa. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Observed and modelled monthly averaged anomalies (a) and mixing ratios (b) for HOCl (from ACE) for 30–50° S at 68 hPa.

From: Chlorine activation and enhanced ozone depletion induced by wildfire aerosol

Extended Data Fig. 3

Grey shaded regions show the ranges of 24-h averaged satellite data from the climatology before 2020, whereas black lines show the observed values for 2020. Other coloured lines show calculated values for 2020 for the no organics control run (blue line) and for three model test cases: including only N2O5 hydrolysis on the aerosols (dashed brown line), considering the added organic material as a dilution factor (green dashed line) and considering the adopted solubility of HCl in organic acid particles (red line).

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