Extended Data Fig. 2: Effects of different aspects of grain shape on fluid drag coefficient. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Effects of different aspects of grain shape on fluid drag coefficient.

From: Grain shape effects in bed load sediment transport

Extended Data Fig. 2

The measured drag coefficient of a grain settling in still water, CDsettle, relative to the calculated drag coefficient of the volume-equivalent sphere, Co, as a function of the Corey shape factor, a measure of gross grain shape. Coloured points show the materials used in our flume experiments and the additional materials in Extended Data Fig. 3a–e. Grey lines are fits to a large compilation32 of single-grain settling experiments that have been sorted by grain angularity, a measure of small-scale grain shape. Sketches in key show idealized grains of different angularity. Red dashed line is the trend 1/Sf for comparison. Error bars show one standard error of the mean.

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