Extended Data Fig. 4: Testing procedure. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Testing procedure.

From: Instantaneous tracking of earthquake growth with elastogravity signals

Extended Data Fig. 4

Each input example (top row) is parsed with a time window of length 315 s sliding with 1-s time step. At each time step, the data between T1 and T2 are passed to PEGSNet (middle row). For display purposes, only four specific time steps are shown here with their T1 and T2 indicated for clarity. The window with T1 = −200 s and T2 = 115 s corresponds to the grey shaded area in the top row. At each time step, PEGSNet makes a prediction of Mw at the end of the input window, that is, Mw(T2) (blue circles in the bottom figure), to reconstruct the STF (yellow line) in a real-time scenario. Red dashed lines indicate the value of T2 of each input window.

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