Extended Data Fig. 3: Results of predictions on the test set for location. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Results of predictions on the test set for location.

From: Instantaneous tracking of earthquake growth with elastogravity signals

Extended Data Fig. 3

a, b, Analysis of the residuals as a function of time (only the first 180 s from origin time are shown) for latitude (a) and longitude (b). Boxes correspond to the third to first (Q3–Q1) interquartile range, the black line within the boxes is the median and whiskers indicate the 5th and 95th percentiles. c, d, Density plot of true versus predicted latitude (c) and longitude (d) values at 180 s after origin (red boxes in a, b). e, f, Corresponding histogram of the residuals with reported mean and standard deviations for latitude (e) and longitude (f) at 180 s after origin.

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