Extended Data Fig. 11: PEGSNet predictions for two data workflows. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 11: PEGSNet predictions for two data workflows.

From: Instantaneous tracking of earthquake growth with elastogravity signals

Extended Data Fig. 11

The predictions for the Tohoku-Oki data obtained through the original workflow described in Methods (blue line, same as in Fig. 3) are compared with those obtained with a modified workflow (red line). Instead of preprocessing the data once and then slice them into input windows for PEGSNet (original workflow), the data are preprocessed and fed to PEGSNet at each time step (modified workflow, see details in Methods) to simulate an online scenario. The results of two workflows show negligible differences. Note that the blue line is twice as thick as the red line. For reference, the orange lines indicate the true STF (solid) and ±0.3 magnitude units (dashed).

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