Extended Data Fig. 10: PEGSNet predictions on real data. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 10: PEGSNet predictions on real data.

From: Instantaneous tracking of earthquake growth with elastogravity signals

Extended Data Fig. 10

a, List of earthquakes used for the real data cases. All parameters are taken from the USGS catalogue. Earthquakes were selected according to the following criteria: Mw ≥ 7.0, dip-slip focal mechanism and located within 40 km from the source locations used for training (green lines in Fig. 1). bf, PEGSNet Mw(t) predictions are indicated by the blue line. The integrated STFs (orange lines) are taken from the SCARDEC database with dashed lines representing ±0.3 magnitude units. The red horizontal line marks the empirical lower limit of PEGSNet sensitivity (8.3). Note that for the 2003 Mw 8.2 Hokkaido earthquake (b), this limit is crossed several times after 120 s from origin time. Out of four events with final Mw below 8 (cf), three (df) show a predicted Mw(t) that is constant around the noise baseline (see Extended Data Fig. 9) indicating that no information can be extracted from the pre-P-wave time window.

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